My name is Cassie and I'm the main voice here at Reformed Mama. I love Jesus and want my kids to understand the grace and love that they have as covenant kids!

I've been married to a wonderful man for over 15 years. He is a pastor at our church and also one of the funniest people I know. 

I have three little kids and my house is pretty much always loud. I'm not the perfect mom, I wouldn't even say I'm a great mom, but we are trying!

If you'd like to read about why I started a blog (in 2016... isn't that so 2005?), you can read my first post over here.

Since this blog will have recommendations for theological resources, I should also mention that I go to a church that I love, which is part of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Let's see, what else do you need to know? I (regrettably) love Diet Coke and Sour Patch Kids. Now you know.

In 2020, I took a step back from blogging, and quit Facebook and Instagram but still have the site up so you can access the resources that I hope bless your family and church!