Easter Resource Round-Up for Kids (Including a Recipe for Empty Tomb Rolls)!

Easter Resource Round-Up for Kids (Including a Recipe for Empty Tomb Rolls)!

A round up of some great resources for celebrating Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with your kids!

A Recipe for Resurrection Rolls, Books, Activities, Children’s Catechism questions and answers, and more!

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"The Scariest Song" - Listen This October!

"The Scariest Song" - Listen This October!

It's almost Halloween! Our kids have always worn costumes but we don't have decorations up at my house, we only what my daughter refers to as "boring fall stuff". She has often told me that when she is a "grown-up" she's going to have lots of Halloween decorations in her house. Whether you let your kids dress up and go trick-or-treating or not, it's a unique time we have to talk to our kids about death and scary things in age appropriate ways.

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Five Gospel-Centered Options for your next VBS

Five Gospel-Centered Options for your next VBS

I’ve compiled a round-up of five great gospel-centered options with some samples directly from the publisher so you can get a feel for what they feel is important and then look into them more to see more of the content, the prices, artwork, and options!

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