New Site Page - Children's Catechism Resources

I've mentioned it before, but one of the main reasons I started this blog was because when I was teaching my oldest the children's catechism, I felt like there wasn't anything out there (Pinterest, blogs, etc.) the way there was with so many other things for little kids! You could find thousands of printables for apples but then there is absolutely nothing for the children's catechism!

So, I'm happy today to add a new page to my site called "Children's Catechism - Resources". Check it out by clicking here now.

I wrote a lot over there, so this post is purposefully short!

In the future, you can access it from the main menu (over on the top left that looks like three lines - when you click on that the full menu appears with all the options). 

If you're further along and know I'm missing some resources, please let me know (or comment below), I'd love to have that list grow!

I hope if you're early on in your catechism journey you find it helpful!